the one where everything you do feels completely pointless.
Im going through a bit of that right now, I just feel completely run down and like I have no energy left to put towards anything.
It feels like I have absolutely nothing to look forward to anymore, all I seem to do is school work, homework and then house work, I have no time to do any of the stuff I enjoy anymore. I love drawing and reading, but I cant find time to do either of them. I have a canvas ready for me to paint but no time to do it and a scrap book which is half complete. I just wish I could get a break from all the school work and just have a bit of time for me, I know everyone says 'make time for yourself' it just isnt that easy!
We have just had half term and it most definately hasnt felt like a break from school, it felt as though I have been doing the same amount of work that I would be doing everyday at school, its horrible! I swear half term is supposed to give people time off, so why cant they just give us a break to do what we want?!
My head is so messed up right now and I feel like im behind with everything and I just dont know how to catch up again.
I have a huge list of all the things I need to do but I just cant motivate myself to finish them, they have to be fun and creative for me to want to do them and they most definately are not, most of them are writing essays and I just cant stick to it, I know I have to and I am trying, its just hard.
I think I need a break for myself and do what I want for a little while then I will be able to get back to doing it.I just cant make time for that with all the deadlines I have :/
I just wish I could see how beneficial A levels are for me and what I can do once I have got them, we have to apply for University in a couple of months and I still dont know if I want to go, I am totally confused and it feels like my time is
running out fast, I just dont know what to do right now.
When i'm with Tom it feels like the only time I am truely happy, I dont know what I would be like without him :/
I am not coping well with life at the moment.
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