Monday, 27 September 2010

Sixth Form.

Sixth form, sixth form, sixth form. What can I say?...

Its quite strange, the freedom is nice but also terrifying. My life has always been so structured, school everyday, nine till half three with constant lessons. Now I always seem to have free time and I just feel lost. I really dont know what to do with myself. Im actually terrified about the future, when I leave school I will have nothing, yeah I will have GCSE's and A Levels but the structure will be missing. I dont like change, I never have, im not that sort of person.

Im terrified of trying to get a job, I have no idea what I want to do and how to help myself in any way. I dont think I am going to be able to go to university, partly because im terrified and dont want to go but also I really dont think we will be able to afford it.

Its just starting to get to me now that soon I will be cast out of school and have no idea of how to do anything, im really scared.


  1. Hey!! Don't panic you have ages yet xx I didn't know what I wanted when I was your age either. Although I was adamant I didn't want children!! LOL
    Life is learning. It doesn't stop when you leave school. You'll work it out xx

  2. Hmmm, i really hope so, everything just seems like chaos at the moment :/
    Aha, and now you have four lol! :P
    Thank you :) xx
